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Best pregnancy and birth books

Melanie Butcher • 27 April 2021

My recommended reading list

I’ve always loved books through for a small child with my Ladybird fairytales through to my English Literature degree and beyond. When it comes to books of pregnancy and birth, I love books that are clear, concise and that don’t make you feel like a bad parent regarding the choices you are making!

All of the following books I have personally read, and I refer back to the often when I am looking for information for clients about particular issues. All of these are available on Amazon. I also have a copy of each of these that I am happy to loan out to clients of those who cannot afford to buy their own copy at this time. Please get in touch if you would like to borrow my copy. 

The other way you can consume many of them is via audio book. I never got into audio books until I had kids and needed to make the most of my time and I can honesty say that they’ve been a saviour for my mental health! You can try it for free using my Audible referral link

I’ll be adding more over time and I will start adding some reviews, so please let me know if there are any you’d like me to include or to cover first. 

Overview of pregnancy and birth
The Day-By-Day Pregnancy Book

Birth Matters

Am I Allowed?

Books covering specific aspects of labour and birth
Essential Oils For Pregnancy, Birth and Babies

Hypnobirthing, The Mongan Method 

Why Induction Matters

Why Homebirth Matters

Why Caesarean Matters

The Midwife’s Labour and Birth Handbook

Birth After Caesarean

The postnatal period and becoming a mother
Why Postnatal Recovery Matters

Golden Month

Why Mothering Matters

Parenthood and caring for children
Your Baby Week By Week

Two Under Two

Raising Boys

Five Minute Mum

Mixed Up: Combination Feeding by Choice or Necessity

You can add any of these books, plus other products to your own Amazon Baby Wish List for free. 

Please note, if you buy via my links, I may earn a small commission from amazon at no extra cost to you. I also fully support you buying from your local independent book shop. 
Image of a white baby, laying on its stomach with head up, smiling, with tongue out.
by Melanie Butcher 31 January 2022
A book review of 'Why Tongue Tie Matters', by Sarah Oakley, a Pinter & Martin publication. This book covers breastfeeding issues, tongue tie division and how to get support.
A midwife holding a plaster
by Melanie Butcher 15 June 2021
My view as a Doula on what is wrong with the UK maternity system and how it does not support birthing people or allow midwives to work effectively.
A black and white silhouette if two people, one looks like they are reaching out to the other.
by Melanie Butcher 11 May 2021
As Doula's, should we be advocating and talking about empowering the women and people we support? Or in offering these things, are we actually removing power and choice?
A dark sky with white and silhouetted fluffy clouds
by Melanie Butcher 6 May 2021
A personal story of prenatal (pregnancy) depression, and the support available, especially if you are in the Solihull and Birmingham areas of the West Midlands.
A close up photograph of a human eye. All is black and white except for the iris which is rainbow.
by Melanie Butcher 26 April 2021
How can we become more accepting of Autism and support Autistic people to have better birth experiences?
by Solihull Doula 23 March 2021
This is a question I get asked a lot and, this year, I have seen a large increase in enquiries from people who are not yet pregnant. I love the fact that people are really thinking about their care and addressing any fears they have ahead of time. In essence, you can book at any time and the earlier you book, the more likely that your chosen Doula will be available around the time your baby is due. Also, the earlier you book, the more value for money you get as your doula will be available for questions and emails in all trimesters, and around the time of your appointments. The longer you have that doula client relationship, the more you also get to know one another and feel comfortable around your Doula so you are more likely to be relaxed during your labour. Many people choose to book around the start of their second trimester. I am very happy to talk to people and get them provisionally booked in during their first trimester and then confirm that arrangement and take a deposit after their 12 week scan (if you choose to have one). Once your deposit is paid, those dates around your due date are secured for you. Booking in around this time gives plenty of time for an introduction meeting plus at least two other in-depth meetings to talk about wants and fear, creating a birth preference plan and offer tips, support and information. The essence of being a Doula involves getting to know families ahead of birth, helping in pregnancy and knowing all your birth wishes, fears and expectations. However, sometimes circumstances change and you find yourself needing birth support last minute? Perhaps your birth partner is no longer able to attend or you find yourself in different circumstances to how you planned for your birth? If so, don’t panic. You can still get in touch with a doula right up until the time of birth and they will discuss with you how they can help. I can offer this service at a reduced price and you may find other Doula’s will offer similar.
Three Mums with their toddlers enjoying some time outside
by Solihull Doula 13 March 2021
Reassuring new parents that things do get better as your baby and toddler gets older. Includes tips on how to get through those tough early days.
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