This is a question I get asked a lot and, this year, I have seen a large increase in enquiries from people who are not yet pregnant. I love the fact that people are really thinking about their care and addressing any fears they have ahead of time.
In essence, you can book at any time and the earlier you book, the more likely that your chosen Doula will be available around the time your baby is due. Also, the earlier you book, the more value for money you get as your doula will be available for questions and emails in all trimesters, and around the time of your appointments. The longer you have that doula client relationship, the more you also get to know one another and feel comfortable around your Doula so you are more likely to be relaxed during your labour.
Many people choose to book around the start of their second trimester. I am very happy to talk to people and get them provisionally booked in during their first trimester and then confirm that arrangement and take a deposit after their 12 week scan (if you choose to have one). Once your deposit is paid, those dates around your due date are secured for you. Booking in around this time gives plenty of time for an introduction meeting plus at least two other in-depth meetings to talk about wants and fear, creating a birth preference plan and offer tips, support and information.
The essence of being a Doula involves getting to know families ahead of birth, helping in pregnancy and knowing all your birth wishes, fears and expectations. However, sometimes circumstances change and you find yourself needing birth support last minute? Perhaps your birth partner is no longer able to attend or you find yourself in different circumstances to how you planned for your birth? If so, don’t panic. You can still get in touch with a doula right up until the time of birth and they will discuss with you how they can help. I can offer this service at a reduced price and you may find other Doula’s will offer similar.