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Why Tongue Tie Matters - Book Review

Melanie Butcher • 31 January 2022

I review 'Why Tongue-Tie Matters' by Sarah Oakley
A Pinter and Martin publication

If you’re a new family in search of quick, factual and helpful information about tongue-tie, then this is the user-friendly book for you. Oakley writes in a way that is easy to understand without unnecessarily complicating the issue with medical terminology. 

As a Doula, one of the most useful chapters for me, was that of the impact of tongue-tie on infant feeding. It stresses the importance of having a tongue-tie assessed by a qualified expert, but importantly also addresses what other things might be causing pain and feeding issues. It therefore becomes a book not just relevant to those affected by tongue-tie, but anyone experiencing problems with their breast feeding journey.

Those seeking facts about dividing a tie can read about the process and the research behind the procedure, giving them enough information to make an informed decision about whether a procedure is right for their baby. For families waiting for a procedure, or those keen to try other non-medical interventions, there are plenty of practical tips on getting a more effective latch, expressing and finding specialist help.

As with other books in this Pinter and Martin ‘Why’ series, this guide is interspersed with stories from real families about their success and difficulties with feeding, tongue-tie, and division processes. It presents all sides of the issue, without pushing you down a biased route. 

‘Why Tongue-Tie Matters’, goes beyond a simple physiological view of tongue-tie and the options for resolution, it is a companion guide for anyone who supports or plans to breastfeed. I’m pleased to add this to my tool kit and will recommend it to parents-to-be and those experiencing feeding challenges alike. 

You can order your copy of the book using my Amazon link:
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